Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Updates - 12/2/08

It's December! Here's a quick update:

Thanksgiving weekend: I had a really nice weekend at home, although most of it was spent studying. I was very happy to see Marjorie, Curtis' sister, again. I think the last time we saw each other was June 07! Didn't do much more than eat, but it was good to get away.

Law School: we're at the point where it's time to spend ALL time studying, with some breaks. I think the hardest part going into this was how to divide up my time between all of my classes. I'll let you know that goes. But I'm trying to continue taking care of myself by getting enough sleep and eating well, as well as I normally eat ;-).

Wedding: the big news is all the bridesmaid dresses have been ordered...yay! And I decided go to with short navy satin dresses from alfredangelo.com, and everyone could order a dress they liked.

Next "updates" will probably be after my first final on Tuesday, Contracts. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

sam c.hart jr said...

Your putting in the time. You will do great. Good Luck