Sunday, May 15, 2011


It's rather strange to think that I've graduated from law school.  It was just yesterday I was starting this blog to chronicle the application and decision process. Unfortunately I don't really have time to think about it because I start intense study for the Bar tomorrow. So, before life takes an even more hectic turn, I wanted to get some pictures up of graduation, since I will be disabling my Facebook very soon.

Me & Jackie

Me & Maisha

Nanny, Jon & Mom

Curtis & his parents - Robin & Jeffrey

Me & Kevin, a close friend 1L year who transferred to Penn, but was awesome enough to come for our graduation!

Me and one of my favorite Professors

Me & Curtis

Me & Jon (he was in a good mood that day, I swear!)

Nanny, me and Mom

The entire family crew at Graduation

Curtis, Me, Jackie, and Josh (Jackie's Boyfriend)

Celebrating the following day at Disneyland!

My celebratory hat :-)

1 comment:

sam c.hart jr said...

Congratulations on your graduation from Law school! It was a great day.