Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Being Domestic

Curtis and I scheduled a night to make dinner and just spend time together. So last night we made dinner and dessert with some of our new stuff!

We made steak with our new George Foreman grill, Rice with one of my new glass dishes. and corn (with my old sauce pan, given to my by my grandfather to make fudge)

Then after we made cupcakes and a small cake. Curtis went back to Mission Viejo with most of it :-). I was very excited to use my new yellow and white C&B mixing bowls and cupcake set!

We tried out those silicone cupcake cups and found that those cupcakes tasted much better than the ones that cooked directly on the pan. I also used the silicone oven mitts, which I think Curtis dubbed "The alligators".

After dinner and dessert we worked on thank-yous and I made some tea with our new tea kettle!

Overall we had a lovely evening.

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