Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gratuitous Kenny Photos

Kenny is in what we call, "full cuteness mode." His hair continuously grows, but when it's at this length, we both think he looks the most cute. Kenny let me take a few pictures of him this morning with his toys. He's so cute and tired in the morning.

Yes, he likes to lay on his toys. The rubber chicken is probably his favorite toy.

He gets to see his Bibi and Papi today (my parents), and see everyone tomorrow for the July 4th Party - he's going to be so happy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

sam c.hart jr said...

Thanks for the pictures. When I was playing with Kenny, he would lay on the toys so I wouldn't try to take it away. He made it a fun game. Kenny is SOOOO CUTE!!! (and smart)