Monday, November 15, 2010

My top 10 Thankfuls

Inspired by Nienie, I decided to make my own "Thankful" blog post.

I am thankful for:

1. My wonderful husband of 1.5 years, and our upcoming celebration of 8 years together in January

2. our amazing honeymoon

3. being able to go to Stanford's first bowl game in several years, with two of my favorite people
... and for the fact that we will be going again this year!
4. Stanford Football, and Andrew Luck
5. our new apartment, with its washer and dryer, central air, and two bathrooms, and our upgraded 46" tv

6. My externship for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal, and the unexpected opportunities it created

7.Trader Joe's (I had trouble coming up with this one, but I just shopped there today and the place is amazing)

8. My parents, who are always remarkably understanding and supportive

9. My brother, and his tolerance of Kenny

10. and Kenny, for bringing me joy at the moment I needed it the most.
 Happy Thanksgiving!

(I'm attempting to cook, wish me luck!)

1 comment:

sam c.hart jr said...

I'm sure Thanksgiving will be great! We are looking forward to it.